Hot Cross Buns vs Hot Cross Liquorice Buns!
Here’s the recipe for our Hot Cross Liquoricey Buns…
The difference between homemade and shop-bought Hot Cross Buns is incredible they really are worth having a go at, and these ones with a liquoricey flavour can’t be bought anywhere and they are so delicious, we love them!
@oz Caster Sugar (50g), plus 1 tsp
5floz hand hot water (150ml)
1 Level teaspoon dried yeast
1 lb plain flour (450g)
1 level teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice
1 teaspoon Saint Valentines Liquorice Powder
3 oz Currants (75g)
2 oz cut mixed peel (50g)
1 1/2-2 floz warmed milk (40-55 ml)
1 egg, beaten
2oz butter (50g), melted
For the glaze
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 tablespoons water
A greased baking sheet
First, stir in the teaspoon of sugar into the hand-hot water and leave it until a good frothy ‘beer’ head forms.
Meanwhile sift the flour, salt, Liquorice powder and mixed spice into a bowl and add the remaining 2 oz (50g) of sugar, the currants and mixed peel. Then make a well in the centre, pour in the yeast mixture plus 1 1/2 fl oz (40ml) of milk (again hand hot), the beaten egg and the melted butter. Now mix it to a dough, starting with a wooden spoon and finishing with your hands (add a spot of milk if it needs it)
Then transfer the dough onto a clean surface and knead it until it feels smooth and elastic – about six minutes. Now pop it back in the bowl, cover the bowl with a lightly oiled plastic bag, and leave it in a warm place to rise – it will take about an hour to double in size. Then turn it out and knead it again, back down to its original size.
Divide the mixture into twelve round portions, arrange them on a greased baking sheet (allowing plenty of room for expansion), and make a deep cross on each one with a sharp knife. Leave them to rise once more, covering them again with the oiled polythene bag for about 25 minutes. Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7, 425 degrees f (220 degrees c)
bake the buns for about 15 minutes. Then while they’re cooking melt the sugar and water for the glaze over a gentle heat, and brush the buns with it, as soon as they come out of the oven, to make them nice and sticky.
Note: it seems that easy blend yeast doesn’t work so well for this recipe, dried is best. Also if you want to make the more distinctive crosses, use a flour and water paste made with 4 oz (110g) plain flour and approximately 3 tablespoons of water. Roll out thinly and divide into small strips, dampening them to seal.
Next: thoroughly enjoy yourself with all the lucky ones around you!