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Virtual Festival Reasons to be cheerful; part 1.

Revellers dance at Glastonbury festival with Saint Valentines Liquorice Company

Time for a virtual festival!

It should be the festival season, and for obvious reasons, damn you, COVID! It’s not happening out there. Usually, Saint Valentine’s Liquorice company would be gearing up for the fab festival season in front of us, and perhaps you would too? So we are wondering if there are ways to time travel taking inspiration from the past and looking to the future.

Continue reading Virtual Festival Reasons to be cheerful; part 1.
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7 Liquorice Gifts we love

Liquorice Gifts during lockdown

Liquorice Gifts on Lockdown

Liquorice Gifts on lockdown. We hope you are well and keeping safe. Stay home, stay well and send Liquorice gifts on lockdown. In the midst of this, friends and family have birthdays, anniversaries and generally need cheering up or surprising! Luckily we are serving up online Liquorice; adhering to all government guidelines and sending out your orders while on lockdown.

Continue reading 7 Liquorice Gifts we love